
  • Mamajonov Azizbek


Axborot texnologiyalari (inglizcha: Information Technology(IT)) — bu kompyuter tizimlari, dasturiy taʼminot, dasturlash tillari, maʼlumotlar, maʼlumotlarni qayta ishlash va saqlashni oʻz ichiga olgan tegishli sohalar toʻplami. Axborot texnologiyalari (AT) axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari (AKT)ning bir qismini tashkil qiladi. AT tizimi — odatda, axborot tizimi, aloqa tizimi yoki aniqrogʻi, kompyuter tizimi, jumladan, barcha apparat, dasturiy taʼminot va periferik jihozlar — cheklangan AT foydalanuvchilari guruhi va AT loyihasi tomonidan boshqariladigan tizim va odatda AT tizimini ishga tushirish va joriy etishni nazarda tutadi.


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U.Begimqulov, Sh.Sharipov, M.Mamarajabov. Elektorn axborot-ta’lim resurslarini yaratish va joroiy etish. Qoʻllanma. Toshkent. “BAYOZ” 2011

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Mamarajabov Odil Elmurzaevich, Akhmatov Eldor Umar ugli, Creating an electronic textbook on computer science in the autoplay program , E Conference World: No. 2 (2023): Switzerland

Elmurzayevich, Mamarajabov O. "Cloud Technology to Ensure the Protection of Fundamental Methods and Use of Information." International Journal on Integrated Education, vol. 3, no. 10, 2020, pp. 313-315, doi:10.31149/ijie.v3i10.780.

Mamarajabov Odil Elmurzaevich. (2022). Formation of students’ competence in the use of cloud technologies in the information educational environment. World Bulletin of Social Sciences, 8, 79-80.

Ilich, M. E. (2022, February). Problems of professional development of future teachers in the field of informatics. In Conference Zone (pp. 193-194).

Ilyich, M. E. (2023, November). Aspects of improving the education system in technological universities. In E Conference World (No. 2, pp. 128-137).

Kadirbergenovna, B. L. (2023, November). Methodology for organizing the process of distance education and its teaching. In E Conference World (No. 2, pp. 160-164).

Laylo, B., & Malika, D. (2023). Capabilities of scratch for working with animations. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11(11), 1118-1120.

Kadirbergenovna, B. L. (2023). Teaching computer graphics on the basis of modern methods as a pedagogical problem in the conditions of digital education. World Bulletin of Management and Law, 23, 52-55.

Urokova Sharofat. (2023). Digitalization of education at the present stage of development. World Bulletin of Management and Law, 23, 60-63. Retrieved from

Sharofat, O. R. (2023, May). Electronic learning resources and requirements for their creation. In International Scientific and Practical Conference on Algorithms and Current Problems of Programming.

Bakiyeva, Z. (2022). Oliy ta’lim muassasalarida talabalarga animatsiya yaratish qadamlarini oʻrgatish. Akademicheskie issledovaniya v sovremennoy nauke , 1 (17), 226-227.

Bakiyeva, Z. (2022). Teaching the steps of creating animation to students in higher education institutions. Академические исследования в современной науке, 1(17), 226-227.

Bakiyeva, Z. R. (2022). Teaching computer animation to students through an electronic learning platform. Journal of Integrated Education and Research, 1(6), 26-28.




How to Cite

Mamajonov Azizbek. (2024). IT SOHASINING JADAL RIVOJLANASH BOSQICHI. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 884–890. Retrieved from