
  • Tojiyev Jamshid Zokir ugli Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute


car, tire, road, slip, asphalt, brake


In accordance with the theory of adhesive characteristics for tires and asphalt pavements, we analyzed the factors influencing the adhesive properties of the tire-asphalt pavement interface in the anti-lock braking system and in wet conditions. The results show that the adhesion between the tires and the road is related to the movement of the tire. The adhesion coefficient for the tire-road interface first increased with increasing slip speed and then decreased. After the sliding speed was about 20 percent, the adhesion reached its maximum value. In addition, the dry coating resulted in better adhesion at the average profile depth than in the wet condition. Braking conditions in dry and wet conditions were studied.


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How to Cite

Tojiyev Jamshid Zokir ugli. (2022). EVALUATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF DIFFERENT ROADS AND TIRES IN CLIMATE CONDITIONS. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(5), 8–15. Retrieved from http://ijournal.uz/index.php/jartes/article/view/52