
  • Mustafakulov Muhammadjon Oʻzbekiston Milliy universitetining Jizzax filiali
  • Kurbanova Mehribonu Oʻzbekiston Milliy universitetining Jizzax filiali
  • Jo‘raqulova Sabina Oʻzbekiston Milliy universitetining Jizzax filiali


biodizel, esterifikatsiya, mikroemulsiya, moy, transesterifikatsiya, bioyoqilg’i.


Yevropada eng ko‘p ishlatiladigan bioyoqilg‘i biodizel hisoblanadi. Biodizel ishlab chiqarish jarayoniga hozirgi kunda yuqori talab mavjudligi sababli ishlab chiqarishni optimallashtiruvchi ba’zi omillar mavjud. Jarayon o‘zgaruvchilari, harorat va katalizator kontsentratsiyasi biodizel hosildorligiga sezilarli ta’sir ko‘rsatishi aniqlandi. O‘tgan yillarda biodizel ishlab chiqarishning optimal sharoitlarini texnik va iqtisodiy jihatdan baholash uchun texnologiyalar va turli usullardan foydalanish bo‘yicha ko‘plab tadqiqotlar o‘tkazilgan. Ushbu maqolada biodizel ishlab chiqarishda hozirgacha qo‘llanilgan joriy texnologik usullarning qiyosiy ko‘rib chiqilishi o‘rganildi.


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Saatov T. et al. Study on hypoglycemic effect of polyphenolic compounds isolated from the Euphorbia L. plants growing in uzbekistan //Endocrine Abstracts. – Bioscientifica, 2020. – Т. 70.

Saatov T. et al. Correction of oxidative stress in experimental diabetes mellitus by means of natural antioxidants //Endocrine Abstracts. – Bioscientifica, 2021. – Т. 73.

Irgasheva S. et al. Study on compositions of lipids in tissues of rats with alimentary obesity //Endocrine Abstracts. – Bioscientifica, 2019. – Т. 63.

Mamadalieva N. I., Mustafakulov M. A., Saatov T. S. The effect of nerve growth factor on indicators of the antioxidant system in rat brain tissue //eurasian union of scientists. series: medical, biological and chemical sciences Учредители: ООО" Логика+". – 2021. – №. 11. – С. 36-40.

Saatov T. et al. Study on antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects of natural polyphenols in the experimental diabetes model //Endocrine Abstracts. – Bioscientifica, 2018. – Т. 56.

Mustafakulov M. et al. Determination of antioxidant properties of l-cysteine in the liver of alloxan diabetes model rats //International Journal of Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research. – 2023. – №. Special Issue. – С. 47-54.

Мамадалиева Н. И., Мустафакулов М. А., Саатов Т. С. Влияние фактора нервного роста на показатели антиоксидантной системы в тканях мозга крысы //Environmental Science. – 2021. – Т. 723. – С. 02 2021.




How to Cite

Mustafakulov Muhammadjon, Kurbanova Mehribonu, & Jo‘raqulova Sabina. (2023). BIODIZEL ISHLAB CHIQARISH JARAYONINI OPTIMALLASHTIRISH. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 193–196. Retrieved from