
  • Islamov Sherzod Eshquvvatovich
  • Qoshboqov Ilhom Sattorovich


motor transport company, technological equipment, maintenance, repair, production, technological process, operation, factor, expert, concordance factor


The efficient use of rolling stock at transport enterprises depends on the level of mechanization and technological equipment. The article analyzes such factors as technical, economic, production, operational requirements that affect the equipping of transport enterprises with technological equipment. To isolate the main of these factors, the method of expert evaluation was used.


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2021-11-27 — Updated on 2021-11-27

How to Cite

Islamov Sherzod Eshquvvatovich, & Qoshboqov Ilhom Sattorovich. (2021). DETERMINATION OF THE MAIN FACTORS AFFECTING THE TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT OF MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ENTERPRISES. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from