
  • N.T. Yodgorova Tashkent Medical Academy
  • Z.Sh. Bektemirova Tashkent Medical Academy
  • B.R. Ibrohimov Tashkent Medical Academy


oncological diseases, microbiota, bacteriological, pathogenic bacteria, hyperproliferation, light therapy


Purpose of the study: Assessment of oral microbiota in oncological diseases of the oral cavity. Materials and methods: 20 patients with cancer in the oral cavity were selected from the surgical department No. 6 of the Republican Oncology Center: reconstructive, plastic surgery, head and neck tumors and onco-ophthalmology department.  Their saliva was examined in the Bacteriological Laboratory of the TTA multidisciplinary clinic, and blood agar, VSA, endo, and Saburo media were used in the examination of patients.  Antibiotic sensitivity was checked by disk diffusion method.  Analysis and discussion of results.  75% of patients are men, 25% are women.  In 15 patients, 10 men and 5 women, bacteria close to the normal microflora of the oral cavity, and pathogenic bacteria in 5 men were detected.  Conclusion: Oral microbiota composition and functionality are now considered to be associated with mutational changes in oral cancer. During the examination of patients with oncological diseases in the oral cavity, the bacteria detected in them are similar to normal bacteria, but they cannot be called completely normal(Staf. аureus 25%).  The reason for this is explained by the fact that patients receive light therapy and take various powerful drugs.  Such factors affect the normal microflora.


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How to Cite

N.T. Yodgorova, Z.Sh. Bektemirova, & B.R. Ibrohimov. (2023). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MICROORGANISMS IN ONCOLOGICAL DISEASES OF THE ORAL CAVITY AND SENSITIVITY TO ANTIBIOTICS. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 2(1), 141–147. Retrieved from