
  • Feruza Kurbanova Chirchik state pedagogical university


actions, characters, interaction, creative tasks, intercultural objectives, cultural point of view


So far there have countless studies on encouraging and developing the intercultural competence of students`. Most of them have proved their productivity in enhancing the mentioned skill of learners`. In this thesis we will provide some relevant sample ideas, which in turn contributed to the education. For several reasons, fictional texts are suitable for developing intercultural communicative competence in learners of all ages. Not only do they invite their readers to view subjectively a nation or an ethnic group, but they also offer their audience the chance to exchange their culturally restricted points of view together with the hero or heroine of the narrative or with the narrator telling the story.


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How to Cite

Feruza Kurbanova. (2024). NUMEROUS TOOLS FOR INCREASING THE INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE OF LEARNERS. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 516–521. Retrieved from