
  • Abduraxmanova Zilola Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan
  • Umarova Mushtaribegim Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan
  • Norboyeva Gulsanam Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan


Intercultural understanding, Education, Uzbekistan, Cultural awareness, Intercultural communication skills, Global exchange programs, Curriculum integration, Teacher training, Community engagement, Diversity, Inclusion, Cultural heritage, Language exchange programs, Tolerance, Respect, Empath


This article discusses the importance of developing intercultural understanding through education in Uzbekistan. It suggests various approaches to achieve this goal, such as promoting cultural awareness, intercultural communication skills, global exchange programs, curriculum integration, teacher training, and community engagement. By implementing these strategies, Uzbekistan can foster a society that celebrates diversity and embraces intercultural dialogue. The article highlights the significance of education in shaping individuals' attitudes and perspectives towards different cultures, and emphasizes the need for creating a safe space for students to express their ideas and learn from one another. Overall, the article presents a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in developing intercultural understanding in Uzbekistan and offers actionable recommendations for promoting diversity and inclusion through education.



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How to Cite

Abduraxmanova Zilola, Umarova Mushtaribegim, & Norboyeva Gulsanam. (2023). DEVELOPING INTERCULTURAL THROUGH EDUCATION IN UZBEKISTAN. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 2(2), 232–236. Retrieved from