
  • Karshiyev Sirojiddin Elmurodovich Samarkand State University named after Sh. Rashidov


security treaty, Cold War, UN, Concept, American Fundamentalism, Pacific, Declaration, Militarism


The article provides information on Japan's role in US geopolitical goals. The stages of choosing the path of national development of modern Japan in the post-World War II years are listed. To understand U.S. behavior in the international arena, it is necessary to understand what is behind Washington’s foreign policy doctrine of national interests anywhere in the world, including Japan.


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How to Cite

Karshiyev Sirojiddin Elmurodovich. (2022). JAPAN’S ROLE IN U.S. GEOPOLITICAL GOALS. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(6), 125–130. Retrieved from http://ijournal.uz/index.php/jartes/article/view/101