
  • Bekmuratova Shohsanam Muxtorbek qizi Tashkent State University of Economics


modern pedagogical technology, integration, ideas about, foreign languages, activities, subject content, high quality level


This article notes that in the age of modern pedagogical technology, not enough attention is paid to the integration of science. Even subjects such as foreign languages and foreign-language countries in the curricula of secondary special and higher education institutions are taught without systemic interconnection. Problem-solving measures are limited to setting terms for teaching these subjects in appropriate curricula or partially harmonizing the content of the subjects. To solve it radically, it is necessary to develop the necessary conditions, forms, content and tools for the integration of academic disciplines that provide high quality of knowledge acquired by students.


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How to Cite

Bekmuratova Shohsanam Muxtorbek qizi. (2022). PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY AND METHODS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(6), 143–147. Retrieved from