
  • Xurshid Abdumajitov UzSWLU, teacher


intercultural communication, teamwork, military, healthcare, education, marketing, self-awareness, empathy, respect, emotional intelligence


Intercultural communication is critical in various fields, including teamwork, the military, healthcare, education, and marketing. Developing skills like self-awareness, empathy, respect, and emotional intelligence is crucial for effective intercultural communication. This allows individuals and organizations to navigate cultural differences, foster collaboration, provide quality services, ensure effective teaching, and connect with diverse markets. Intercultural communication is a necessary competency in today’s globalized world, enabling understanding, respect, and productive interactions across cultures. Mastering these skills is key for personal, professional, and organizational success in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.


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How to Cite

Xurshid Abdumajitov. (2024). CHARACTERISTICS OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION STRUCTURE. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 93–99. Retrieved from