
  • Gulbahor Abdukhalilova Senior teacher of the 2nd foreign language department of Uzbekistan State World Languages University


pragmatics, advertising, English language, communication, tourism, impact, comparative aspect


The pragmatic specifics of tourism advertising in English in the era of digitalization are considered. Advertising communication in the field of tourism acquires a pronounced emotional character, which is closely related to extra linguistic factors. Taking into account the fact that, as a scientific category, pragmatics is considered a multicomponent formation in its structure, the article determines the linguistic status of advertising; characterizes tourism advertising in the era of digitalization from the point of view of its functional and communicative features in a comparative aspect; describes pragmatically oriented linguistic units inherent in tourism advertising.


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How to Cite

Gulbahor Abdukhalilova. (2024). PRAGMATIC ASPECT OF TOURIST ADVERTISING IN THE ERA OF DIGITALIZATION. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 196–203. Retrieved from