
  • Abduganiyev Akhror Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan
  • Rustamova Zohida Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan


English, IT companies, technical documentation, programming language, English skills


English is significant to information technology for several reasons. IT is used in businesses and is principally the backbone of the commercial world at the moment. English is the international language of trade presently, and so the both are interlinked in terms of being able to operate many systems.


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Рахматов, Д. Р. (2020). Зарубежный опыт цифровой трансформации бизнес-процессов в развивающейся экономике Узбекистана: проблемы, недостатки, противоречия. In Цифровизация и её влияние на жизнь современного общества (pp. 186-197).

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Рахматов, Д., & Ахатов, А. Р. (2020). Кибер жиноятларни юзага келиш омиллари ва кибер этика: муаммо ва истиқболлар. Science and Education, 1(1), 227-234.




How to Cite

Abduganiyev Akhror, & Rustamova Zohida. (2022). THE IMPORTANCE OF ENGLISH IN THE STUDY OF IT TECHNOLOGIES. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(5), 69–72. Retrieved from