
  • Khalimov Uktam Khaidarovich Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan


engineer, student, workplace, technical university, mathematical competence


This article outlines the mathematical competency requirements that future technical engineers will need in the workplace, and provides information on the mathematics curriculum for engineering students. In addition, the department checks the level of professionalism of engineers, the procedure for the effective use of time in the work process and safety measures, that is, the study of life-threatening situations of the worker and technical inspection of the equipment that he uses to prevent. In this case, you need to know whether it is advisable to develop mathematical competence in yourself ... This means that in order to have sufficient professional knowledge, skills and qualifications, a future engineer must have the necessary mathematical knowledge. In the era of globalization, the emergence of often new versions of technologies with modern, compact and complete equipment, convenient in all respects, high productivity, will help a future engineer, in addition to professional knowledge and skills, to master a general mathematical base. This means that it would be beneficial for the teacher to ask more mathematical modeling questions while studying the subject. Training will be more effective, especially if used in internships. Of course, whatever your profession, your first priority is to prevent life-threatening situations. Because human life is above all. Before putting a process into practice, it is important to make sure that it is not only environmentally friendly, but also safe, in addition to its beneficial work ethic. Prospective engineers also need to keep this in mind as they work.


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How to Cite

Khalimov Uktam Khaidarovich. (2022). DEGREE OF MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCE OF ENGINEERS TECHNICIANS AND STUDENTS FUTURE ENGINEERS. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(5), 100–108. Retrieved from