
  • Khallieva Gulnoz Uzbek State University of World Languages
  • Mannonova Feruzabonu Uzbekistan State University of World Languages


object, natural, social, spiritual, epistemological, logical, methodological, methodological, axiological tasks, stages of comparison, environment, internal features, and typical situations


A scientific field called comparative literature or literary comparative studies compares two or more literary phenomena. One of the most important scientific fields nowadays, when global social, cultural, and literary relations are growing daily, is comparative literature. Any comparative investigation reveals shared and unique characteristics of literary phenomena, which provide the cornerstone for the creation of overarching theoretical principles that apply to all literatures. Comparative analysis consists of objects, and they are their constituents. For researchers, it is enough to know this. Comparative analysis, in addition to the above-mentioned actions, also focuses on comparing the components of the objects of analysis with each other. The purpose of this article is to investigate comparative analysis in literature and to identify similarities and differences between comparable objects. Students, teachers, and researchers should be able to describe comparative research technique and its fundamental ideas when studying this topic. They should also have a basic understanding of comparative literature and their summary.


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How to Cite

Khallieva Gulnoz, & Mannonova Feruzabonu. (2023). SCIENTIFIC THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 163–169. Retrieved from