
  • Islamov Sherzod Eshquvvatovich Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
  • Pardaboyev Utkir Abdurakhimovich Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute


automobile, car service enterprise, degree of motorization of the republic, nuclear engineering, warranty service, TRADE-IN program, automobile industry, maintenance, repair, population


This article analyzes the level of automation in our country, Kazakhstan, Russia, the USA and Western Europe, the current state of vehicle maintenance. Recommendations for regulating the activities and increasing the efficiency of car service enterprises in the country.


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2021-11-27 — Updated on 2021-11-27

How to Cite

Islamov Sherzod Eshquvvatovich, & Pardaboyev Utkir Abdurakhimovich. (2021). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE LEVEL OF MOTORIZATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF VEHICLE MAINTENANCE. Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 1(1), 18–26. Retrieved from