
  • Dilorom Xaydarova Samarkand State Medical University


Hayflick limit, telomeres, telomerase, telomere theory of aging, telomere length


The Hayflick limit, telomeres and telomerase are the subject of many studies and researchers are looking for ways to modulate their function in order to treat cancer, slow aging and increase longevity. They play a critical role in cellular aging and the development of pathologies. Understanding the mechanisms underlying these processes can provide insight into diseases associated with aging and potential interventions to slow aging and improve overall health.


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How to Cite

Dilorom Xaydarova. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HAYFLICK LIMIT, TELOMERES AND TELOMERASE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGING AND PATHOLOGY (REVIEW). Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences, 3(1), 135–145. Retrieved from